Rae Bead |
Daniel Lopacki ist ein Edelsteinkünstler und Schmuckdesigner aus New Mexico, der außerdem Werkzeuge für die Edelsteinbearbeitung verkauft. Er hat uns einen detaillierten Erfahrungsbericht über seinen Weg zu Rhino zukommen lassen:
As a user of 3D software since the mid 90s nearly everything I designed was first done on my computer. When I was about 62 I designed my dream studio. When my studio was nearing completion I started shopping jewelry design software. I must be honest -- they all left much to be desired for a 'one-of-a-kind jeweler'. So I just started looking at 3D software in general and this is when I found Rhino. At the time I could download Version 4 with 25 saves. I fired up Rhino and started a design for a gold box that I had in my mind for years. With about half the saves I got far enough on this box to know that without a doubt Rhino was exactly what I was after. I could not only design my jewelry but if I could design anything I could come up with in my head.
I used Rhino 4 on and off, but the business kept me away from doing much with it other than designing wood working projects. Also, my old Windows XP graphics machine was a bit too slow in Brazil. I just recently purchased a new super hot rod graphics machine that is 64-bit. Needless to say, it was necessary to upgrade Rhino to Version 5.
My first main project was a ring for my daughter for a ruby we gave her for Christmas over three years ago. I am doing five ring designs and she gets her pick.
Personally, I think Rhino is without a doubt the top in its price range and most likely would top many of the other higher priced 3D design software.
I also want to let you know what an asset your forums and videos are for both novice and somewhat experienced users. I have had a few questions regarding both Rhino and Brazil. I always get answers back quickly and so far someone has always put me in the right direction.
Weitere Infos über Daniel finden Sie auch auf
American Masters of Stone, einer Website, die sich nordamerikanischen Edelsteinkünstlern widmet.